A breakthrough hair growth modality with regenerative advantages and promising outcomes.

stimulate hair growth naturally


EVO GRO MSC Extracellular Vesicles (EVs/Exosomes) derived from Wharton's Jelly, with over 300 growth and regrowth factors. These factors influence hair growth through cellular proliferation to prolong the anagen phase, induce cell growth, and stimulate hair follicle development. MSCs in dermal papilla cells is considered a key factor in stimulating hair growth.

The mechanism of action of EVO GRO MSC EV's is cell to cell communication, and as more cells are created, the hair grows out of the skin and reaches the surface. This have been shown to play a central role in hair morphogenesis and regeneration with potential for use as a treatment for hair loss.



There are so many different emotions that can come with hair loss, from embarrassment and frustration to a complete loss of confidence. With hair playing such a big part in how we look and feel, it's completely understandable that losing it can have a significant impact in more ways than one.

But before you completely give up on restoring your formerly full head of hair, you should know that there's still hope. Thanks to a new, scientifically advanced option called EXO GRO, an incredible breakthrough in hair regeneration has become available. By tackling the issues of hair loss on a cellular level, EVO GRO Hair Regeneration Therapy may offer a novel way to reclaim your youthful healthy hair.

Did You Know?


It is well known that the number of stem cells decline dramatically as we age along with ourability to repair, rebuild, and regenerate tissue. EVO GRO has a thousand times stronger regenerative power due to numerous growth factors as compared to PRP.

  • EVO GRO contains over 300 growth and regrowth factors
  • PRP produces less than 12 growth factors
  • EVO GRO is designed to repair and regenerate the dermal papilla cells
  • PRP has inconsistent results due to limited amounts of growth factors
  • EVO GRO is off the shelf and easily applied
  • PRP requires a blood draw and a centrifuge
EXO GRO has over 300 growth factors


Hair loss, also called alopecia, is a disorder caused by an interruption in the body's cycle of hair production. Although androgenetic alopecia cannot be prevented, EVO GRO Hair Regeneration Therapy is a promising modality owing to its advantages and promising outcomes.



EvoGro is a natural, non-toxic method. Treating hair loss with no side effects because it has not been developed from a chemical substance. EvoGro is derived from our body and contains mRNA, a biological messenger between cells in our body.


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Evolve with Exosomes Imc.